They swarmed out into the mountains and onto the running trails, doing good: every kilometer contributed to the common goal of the highest possible donation for the suffering population of Ukraine. The employees' high level of motivation and enthusiasm resulted in a substantial donation that can make a direct and quick difference in the precarious humanitarian situation. Worldwide, 283 employees, including the management and members of the Board of Directors, have donated kilometers to Ukraine. The total amount is 34,320 US dollars and is calculated by multiplying the 3,432 kilometers covered by a kilometer donation of $10.
Free dental care
The entire amount donated will go to the Ukrainian Myron Uhryn Charitable Foundation. Since 2014, the foundation has made it its mission to care for people wounded by the war with its mobile dental clinics. As these are mostly major injuries in the facial area, it thus contributes significantly to restoring the quality of life of these people. The foundation also collects medical aid from all over the world and distributes it throughout Ukraine as needed.
Solidarity as a matter of the heart
Matthias Dunkel, COO Geistlich Pharma: "I dedicated a longer run to this uniquely good cause. It is important to me personally that Geistlich demonstrates its solidarity here for the victims of war! " In addition to the "Geistlich Charity Walk & Run", various Geistlich affiliates and distribution partners are getting involved in various ways for the victims of war. Around half of the participants in the Charity Walk & Run were employees from Geistlich's twelve worldwide affiliates - from Brazil to Japan. Two of the active participants were Ukrainians who had been directly affected and had found a temporary home with an employee in Switzerland. They all hope for an early end to the war and a peaceful solution.