As a pioneer of regenerative dentistry, Geistlich carries out its research, development and production all exclusively at its Swiss base. This makes the company an attractive potential employer of graduates of the unique master’s course in «Biomedical Engineering». The course is unique because it is the only engineering course to be offered exclusively at a medical academic institution. It is offered as part of a cooperation between the University of Bern and Bern University of Applied Sciences. The innovation-driven, talent-seeking company Geistlich will therefore meet future, current and former students at the «BME Day».
Switzerland: a tech-biotope
One former student is Nik Stiefel, who is now Head of Material Research Biochemistry at Geistlich. He says: «Here, where clinical challenges meet innovative technology, I can realize my potential with my team». The fact that Geistlich concentrates its Research & Development in Switzerland is no coincidence. Rather it is down to the well-qualified professionals, cooperation with universities and innovation-friendly conditions that can be found there. Geistlich looks forward to some lively discussions about its latest developments and projects involving its network of experts. Experts, such as former graduates of the «Biomedical Engineering» master’s degree in Bern.